Thursday, December 19, 2013

Biophotons: The Human Body Emits Light ~So Is It Healthy to Emit More Light?

considering bio-luminescence, bio-photon emissions :
So much more to cross-reference.
Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light ~ HealthyAeon
quotes from link above:
"Human Skin May Capture Energy and Information from Sunlight"

Perhaps most extraordinary of all is the possibility that our bodily surface contains cells capable of efficiently trapping the energy and information from ultraviolet radiation. A study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology in 1993, titled, "Artificial sunlight irradiation induces ultraweak photon emission in human skin fibroblasts..."

NOW, there is this:
ongoing work that I am following. 
Oxidative stress? and the selling of the Anti-oxidant theory. 
Oxidative actions as something to understand further.. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

May Assist to Fall Asleep More Easily (Breathing Exercise)

This is a draft:
Have been away from this blog for about two months. End of August 2013-End of October 2013, actually, my personal computer went down, and I took it as sign to rest. Before that, after my Mother died on November 1, 2012, I had began a Wordpress. And posted here less.
The shock, devastation, and terrible ending brought on by the people around her left me stunned, horrified.
In light of seeing a way to nourish embers of beauty, truth, dignity, I began to work again with my intuitions, my seeing into truth and through the nonsense. To see through, or rather around, the vulgarities of all varieties of "piggies" as shown in "Animal Farm." I again focused on my essential oils. And planting any small garden that would have edible plant emitting fragrance. The spirit realm (if it exists) is said to appreciate, be able to sense, and be pleased by fine and good, natural fragrances! I had to create, express in my subtle fields, if there was any way to reach what might be left of her being, in the subtle realms around me, and around the greater atmosphere. When she was alive, she loved the nourishment I could provide and appreciated what my hands prepared for her. My home life, not of my doing, and my health were quite in a bad state in her last years. I could not offer my usual hospitality. So, through these methods of garden outdoors, and essential plant oil fragrances, walking in the rain, being outside, I was in physical, but the result of these were subtly there for her, and her friends, if she is with them in the ethers. ( for she loved to share.)
What a world of people around her, so many, who are medicated, brainwashed, and brainwashing others to beat all get out. And who believe they are correct in wanting to psychologize, baptize, and medicate others who do not agree with them.
Also, I tried to write some of what horror occurred, to clear, as well. I have not even touched the depths of truth. I am an artist though. Not a writer. And writing well for others to understand may not be a gift for me. I wish I had recored much of it in sound and visually! So as not to have to remember it. But still tell the truth! So, after meaning to write and order my life for years, in marriage to a less that fine person, who stole much from me. I began in the middle of a bloody mess. In this horrid richness, of the full spectrum of life, I must step into the more rarified stratums. Writing a blog is not it. Yet, it has been an exercise, that may lead to finer...
Have also been working with Wordpress a bit on my site:

The ancients understood and practiced subtleties in all aspects of health. From digestion, to personal inner terrain, to the subtleties the respiratory system. This respiratory is a fine system that is taken for granted in the run-about and hustle of the modern world. 
That we can even regulate our own breath and inner gases, to affect our own health, is spoken about among athletes, or adults who have been athletes, meditation and yoga practitioners.
The actual quality of air that enters a persons body daily, day after day, decade after decade, is rarely considered by most. It is taken for granted that our indoor filtered air is of good quality. 
I have seen in South Florida, that people will function for years and years indoors, in office buildings, in gyms, and homes where the air is devitalized, and often not very clean at all.
The health-conscious ones seem to get along fine, and by their 5th decade of life, they may have a few problems that have been simmering, and will emerge, or that just pop up. They, and their physicians almost never attribute these health situations or conditions, that may have built up over time, to the condition of their inner terrain. To the layers of life simmering inside and outside their skin. Nor do they even consider or attribute a problem to the one fuel they've consumed the most: AIR.

What is the inner terrain of the person by their 5th, 6th decade? Inner linings of lungs? Heavy indoor and outdoor exercisers, steady yoga practitioners, and the like do fair better in health matters. For even if living and working in in toxic, or less than optimal air quality, they move much untoward air components through their bodies quickly. Some less-than-beneficial components in the air have less time to settle into mucous membranes. And if any untoward, or less than life affirming air components do find their way in, the lymphatic system is being pumped more readily by all the exercise to move the unwelcome through the system. These are moved to avenues of exit to be excreted, through normal channels. Channels of excretion: digestion, eyes, ears, skin:sweat and skin respiration, breasts and so on.

But the large openings of nose and mouth, take in air as we function indoors, and sleep for however many hours.
More to come on this later as I revisit my old research and find the newer and finer indoor air quality regulators. And as I find places for myself that I might offer as suggestions to others. For getting outdoors in fresh-air, in areas where this will be beneficial.

An aspect to consider as one pays attention to refining the daily air quality inhaled: "Breath techniques." Breath releases and controls are one beautiful and under-utilized aspects to harmonize the overall health of the bodily systems.

The Buteyko Breath Methods can be helpful for some individuals and some situations. 
They are not agreed upon for all situations. As I understand sleep and the necessary internal gases though, I will be giving this a try once again.

Quote from video's author:"Problems with falling asleep quickly and insomnia are due to overexcited nerve cells caused by too low CO2 levels in the brain cells. Low CO2 is common in modern people as this YouTube video shows. The main cause of reduced CO2 levels in the brain and body cells is breathing excessive amount of air that causes problems with sleep."
Once I tried this, the only difference for me would be to not force the abdominal breathing. This emphasis is from my own experience sometimes more stress inducing. 

I am not a medical advisor. This is for my own experience.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

China’s Ancient Hindu Temples Still Stand-2013 c.e.

Behind China’s Hindu temples, a forgotten history - The Hindu
“This is possibly the only temple in China where we are still praying to a Hindu God,” says Li San Long, a Chedian resident, with a smile.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What is a Vasana?

Viewpoint of one person, Steve Beckow, telling of  Vasanas: 
What is a Vasana? – Part 1/2 « Golden Age of Gaia

"This survival of vasanas is why we hear of gurus, who may have had levels of enlightenment as high as seventh-chakra Brahmajnana (God Realization), also called kevalya nirvikalpa samadhi, who still have vasanas."
"Vasanas have been described by others as “sleeping volcanoes” (S.N. Goenka) and the muscular tension in the body associated with them as “character armoring” (Wilhelm Reich) and the “pain body” (Eckhart Tolle). Werner Erhard called them “records,” “rackets,” and “incompletions”; Eric Berne, “games”; Claude Steiner, “scripts” – most psychologists and growth leaders have some way of referring to them."

Good and Bad Vasanas

"Ramana Maharshi distinguishes between good and bad vasanas. Good vasanas, like tending to our parents’ needs, loving all people, being charitable, all of which promote the laws of nature, do not harm, but bad vasanas, which go against the laws of nature, do."

Sunday, June 30, 2013

YOGA IN INDIAN CULTURE: SMITHSONIAN October 19, 2013 - January 26, 2014

Smithsonian Institute presents
The exhibit runs from October 19, 2013 - January 26, 2014 at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (before traveling.) 
1050 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC

Debra Diamond, curator of the exhibit: "Yoga constantly transforms and simultaneously gets imbedded in culture. The exhibit explores yoga’s goals and means of transforming body and consciousness, its profound philosophical foundations, its role within multiple religious and secular arenas, and the roles that yogis played in society, from divinized teachers to militant ascetics. That being said, the path of modern yoga is still being laid."
Included in the exhibit is the Thomas Edison film, Hindoo Fakir (1906)

Character in USA Yoga

"...what happens when the people who fall into yoga aren’t self-conscious, or vulnerable, or able to acknowledge possible mistakes or philosophical misalignments? What happens when people don’t get transformed by the process, but instead get physically stronger and increasingly self-obsessed and self-righteous?" 

A thoughtful article expounds on this USA character: 
Domestic Abuse and Everyday Self-Realization (or YFSP Reads Yoga PhD, Part 2?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Laparoscopic removal of gall bladder video- or less invasive methods?

Laparoscopic removal of gall bladder - YouTube
Take care, research and take care.
If you have the slightest low-grade, continuing, or chronically serious digestive problems, find out for yourself how to improve your digestion, without long-term medicines.
If you have gallbladder problems look for ways to clear this internal condition to prevent surgery.
There are plenty of persons, counselors, and even free information to understand, and apply before this unhealthful condition or pain worsens.
You may even find a physician, or an osteopath if you prefer, who will help guide you in natural ways.
Yes, people are known to live on, sometimes just fine for decades after surgery, without gallbladders.
Yet, often, I have seen that soon after gallbladder removal, certain smaller, then larger, "heart problems" will begin.
I remind you of this not as a medical doctor. I speak only from personal life. And from seeing people who have suffered and died. And from knowing other people who attended to inner health, kept a gallbladder, and improved their digestion and overall health without surgery.
There are now, pockets and networks of people with knowledge the world over that are quietly attending to REAL healthcare.
What a blessing. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Helical Heart Video- NEW BIOLOGY?

"The Helical Heart" video, not for the squeamish, shows the unwinding of a heart.
click yellow link for video.
A more real anatomy of the human heart

First blogged here in 2012.
UPDATE 2104-
It is being named New Biology, when actually, much of it is actually ancient, NEARER to specific, less popular, older and ancient understandings. I am grateful to my teachers who allowed, for this thinking, and the mind, and spirit that had will to rise up, follow up.
All before I came upon the moderns, as they proceed and profit in this field, may the patients, be firmly IM-patient. And quickly, firmly come understand their own bodies, for themselves, and loved ones. It is not the full story, yet bears deep consideration. Then even more insight will come to the individuals.
(I don't like to be meme-r. Please test all this for yourself. )

"This is a brief summary of the implications of the understanding of the myocardial band. Added to this website are the three clips from the Helical Heart DVD, and images of the dissected band with and without legends. The descriptions added here are from the text of Clemente, which will come out at the end of the year, and is the classical atlas for anatomy. Moore and Dalley, and their text will be out in the spring. This is the paramount written text in the US, going to >90% of all students of medicine as the standard text.

The myocardial band will create a revolution in thinking about cardiovascular structure and function, and likely will rival the work of William Harvey in 1638.

This model of cardiac structure will indicate why the heart fills by suction, via a muscular mechanism: this finding contrasts with conventional teaching describing recoil of the heart, via collagen or potential energy that is stored as the cause. This muscular concept will explain diastolic dysfunction, a cause of heart failure without ventricular dilation, and thus opens the doors for vast new pharmacological treatments of this muscular mechanism. Up to 30% of heart failure patients (among 5,000,000 with CHF.....) fall into this category.

Loss of this conical normal spiral configuration is the cause of heart failure, as the normally elliptical ventricle (shaped like a football) stretches and dilates to become circular, like a basketball. Novel and recent treatments have been used to treat the heart by restoring the normal size and shape in a spectrum of diseases..."

The Helical Heart Company LLC
3750 Courtright Ct
Columbus, Oh 43227
Questions about your order? Please call Michelle Evans at (614) 252-6342 ext. 221
Please allow 4 weeks for delivery.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Interesting Way to Put It! The Sanskrit Dialect Known as English

Tomes written and explored on this topic.
I have heard this root language theory of the Hungarian language as well. 
Each is root of all present day languages.
Vedic Empire - The Sanskrit Dialect Known as English

A piece Written by Neil 'Kalia' Robinson 
Abstract of a Paper Presented at the World Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES) Conference held at U of Mass. in Dartmouth, Mass. USA

Friday, February 22, 2013

Descended Directly from Apes, naturally?

One authors writings on origins of human:
"The profound wisdom contained in the Vedas, Upanishads and Gita clearly prove that man was not primitive or barbarous, as he is made out to be by the evolutionists...The evolution of man seems to be at the psychic plane and not on the physical level as the scientists erroneously think. It will, therefore, be preposterous and unwise to hold that ancient people were primitive, uncivilised, barbarous or bestial." excerpt from this link: Origins of Man

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ahimsa, what practice in the first place?

This is the question.
Why practice ahimsa in the first place?
The way I have experienced it being presented, taught, practiced, it becomes simply another suppressive force. Another psychological control mechanism to keep society in order. 
More to say on this later...
Here a definition of sorts:
Ahimsa - Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Massage Therapy for Abdominal Scar Adhesions

Abdominal, and core, hands on therapy is valuable, and to be done only by someone the RECIPIENT perceives to be in correct "attunement" with themselves.
Interview the therapist offering the service, or treatment, If you find yourself uncomfortable in any way, aim to find another therapist.
Emotions may come up in this therapy, so be aware of this.
High quality, intuitive, intelligently done, abdominal massage is an extremely beneficial portion of overall body massage. It can also be done on its own, in a full session, if there is a specific scarring or other issue to attend to.
Massage Therapy for Scar Adhesions - Erik Dalton - YouTube

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

USA Yoga is new age?

I really did not know Krishna Das music is considered new age, as the introduction on this Grammy video indicates.
Just as I did not know that my yoga interests and practices since my early teens was considered new age until I met and eventually married a born again christian man from Mexico. He seemed to be an authority on new age, which I found puzzling, but let ride.

Kirtan First: Krishna Das at 55th Grammy Awards (Breaking News/Video)

Kirtan First: Krishna Das Invokes Narayana and Yardbirds at 55th Grammy Awards (Breaking News/Video)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Link to Essay on — Brahmanism, Buddhism, Hinduism

A fine link to keep as a reference and to read fully, when time permits.

"Brahmanism, Buddhism,
An Essay on their Origins and Interactions"
Lal Mani Joshi

Department of Religious Studies
Punjabi University, Patiala, India

Buddhist Publication Society
Kandy • Sri Lanka
The Wheel Publication No. 150/151

Wh150–1 — Brahmanism, Buddhism and Hinduism — Plain text

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Temporary Dental Fillings plus link to book: WHERE THERE IS NO DENTIST
Important book and knowledge to have for naturalists, outdoors adventures.
Chapter 10 gives emergency filling advice.
The link above will be the best way to read this. Or you can order the book through
If you cannot open the link in any emergency, below is the text only of Chapter 10. The images are at the link above.
( these cement fillings were used even by US military in the VietNam conflict and helped alleviate suffering, and preserve teeth for further later care. )

Cement Filling Material -

Many companies make temporary filling material. The names on the packages are different. This makes it hard to know which one to order.

However, the basic material of each product is the same—zinc oxide and oil of cloves (eugenol). To save money, order these two main ingredients in bulk, instead of an expensive kind of cement filling material.

Oil of cloves is a liquid. Zinc oxide is a powder.

You may be able to buy a special kind of zinc oxide powder called I .R .M . (Intermediate Restorative Material). Fillings with I.R.M. are stronger and harder, so they last longer. But it is more expensive than zinc oxide.

Where There Is No Dentist 2010 HOW TO PLACE THE CEMENT FILLING -page146 -

Lay out on a clean cloth:

your syringe, needle, and local anesthetic (in case a tooth hurts)

Your instruments: mirror, probe, tweezers, spoon, filling tool, mixing tool

oil of cloves (eugenol) and zinc oxide

lots of cotton: cotton rolls, gauze, or cotton wool

smooth glass to mix cement

To place a cement filling, follow these 6 steps (pages 146–150):

1 . Keep the cavity dry. 2 . Lift out some, but not all, of the soft decay. (If the tooth hurts,

inject local anesthetic.) 3 . Mix the cement. 4 . Press the cement into the cavity. 5 . Remove the extra cement from around the cavity and the tooth. 6 . Explain what you are doing to the person.

1 . Keep the cavity dry . The cavity and the area around it must be dry so you can see what you are doing. Just as important, cement stays longer inside a dry cavity .

Place cotton between the cheek and gums to keep the area dry. Put some cotton under the tongue when you work on a lower tooth.

Use whatever kind of cotton you have: gauze, wool, or even rolls.

Change the cotton whenever it becomes wet .

Keep the cavity dry while you work. Wipe the inside of it every now and then with a bit of cotton.

Then leave a piece of cotton inside the cavity while you mix the cement.

Where There Is No Dentist 2010  -page 147 -

2 . Lift out some of the decay . You do not need to remove all of the decay on the bottom of the cavity. You can leave some, as long as you cover it with cement. If you try to dig out all of the decay, you might touch the nerve. Try to cover the decay so it stops growing.

However, you must remove all of the decay from the edge of the cavity . Otherwise, germs and food can go between the cement and the cavity and keep the decay growing inside.

Scrape clean the walls and the edge of the cavity. If you find that the edge is thin and weak, break it deliberately with the end of your instrument. That makes for stronger sides to hold onto the cement.

Use the spoon tool and lift out soft decay from inside the cavity. Do not go too deep. Make the cavity just deep enough to give thickness and strength to the cement. If the tooth hurts when you do this, stop and inject some local anesthetic . Use cotton gauze to collect the bits of decay so that the person does not swallow them.

Use your mirror and look closely around the edges of the cavity for decay that you may have missed. Put some cotton inside the cavity and leave it there while you mix the cement.

3 . Mix the cement on a piece of smooth glass. Place separately onto the glass a pile of zinc oxide powder and a few drops of eugenol liquid.

Pull a small amount of the powder to the liquid with the mixing tool and mix them together. Add more powder in this way, until the cement mixture becomes thick.

Suggestion: Practice with the cement ahead of time. You can then find out the time it takes to become hard.

Where There Is No Dentist 2010 -page 148-

Cement is much easier to use when it is thick and not too sticky . Roll a bit between your fingers. If the cement sticks, it is not yet ready. Add more powder and then test again.

Now take the cotton out of the cavity. Check to be sure the cavity is dry. If the cotton around the tooth is wet, change it.

4 . Press some cement into the cavity . Put a small ball of cement on the end of your filling tool. Carry it to the cavity. Spread it over the floor of the cavity and into the corners.

Then add another ball of cement, pressing it against the other cement and against the sides of the cavity.

Keep adding cement until the cavity is over-filled. Smooth the extra cement against the edge of the cavity.

If a cavity goes down between two teeth, one other step is necessary. You need to take care that the cement does not squeeze and hurt the gum.

REMEMBER: Decay stops growing only when the cement covers it completely and tightly .

Before you spread the cement, place something thin between the teeth.

You can use the soft stem from a palm leaf, a toothpick, or a tooth from a comb. Be sure it has a rounded end to prevent damage to the gums.



Where There Is No Dentist 2010 -page 149-

5 . Remove the extra cement before it gets too hard . Press the flat side of the filling tool against the cement and smooth it towards the edge of the cavity.

As you smooth the cement, shape it to look like the top of a normal tooth.

This way, the tooth above or below it can fit against the filling without breaking it.

After you take out the stem or toothpick (p.148), smooth the cement. Gums stay healthier when the cement beside them is smooth .

Cement that sticks out and is not smooth can hurt the gums. It can also later break off. When that happens, spit and germs are able to go inside and start the decay growing again.

It is also important to look closely around the tooth for loose pieces of cement and to remove them before they make the gums sore .

Use the end of your probe. Gently reach into the gum pocket and lift out any pieces of cement caught there.

Wipe off your probe with cotton gauze each time.

Now remove all the cotton and ask the person to gently close the teeth. The teeth should come together normally and not hit first against the cement filling. Too much pressure against the cement filling will crack and break it .

Always check to see if part of the filling is high:

(1) lf the cement is still wet, you can see the smooth place where the opposite tooth bit into it. Scrape the cement away from this place.

(2) If the cement is dry, have the person bite on a piece of carbon paper. If there is too much cement, the carbon paper will darken the cement. Scrape away that extra cement.

If you have no carbon paper, darken some paper with a pencil.

The person must not leave your clinic until the filled tooth fits properly against the other teeth .

Where There Is No Dentist 2010 -page 150-
6 . Explain things to the person . Explain how to look after the filling so it

will not break:

• Do not eat anything for 1 hour—let the cement get hard and strong.

• Try not to use that tooth for biting or chewing. Until there is a permanent filling, the cement and sides of the cavity are weak. They cannot take much pressure.

If the tooth hurts more after you place the cement filling, there is probably an abscess . Take out the tooth . If you cannot take out the tooth immediately because of swelling, take out the filling to relieve the pressure, and take out the tooth after you treat the swelling (page 93).


You do not need to boil your cement filling instruments. In fact, boiling can weaken the small pointed ends.

First scrape the dried cement from the filling and mixing tools. Then, after you scrub them with soap and water, leave them for 20 minutes in disinfectant (see page 89). Finally wrap the instruments together in a clean cloth so they are ready for use when you need them again.


A cement filling is only a temporary measure .

A good one can last up to 6 months. During this time, the person must see a dental worker who has the equipment to put in a permanent filling. For this, the person may have to travel to the city, or wait for the dental worker to visit your area.

Know Thyself and This Includes Your Inner Organs

Integral Anatomy V4 pt 2: Viscera and their Fasciae
with Gil Hedley

Friday, January 25, 2013

Liked Phosphenes- Had Not heard of Francis Lefebure -

Francis Lefebure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Looks like this piece needs some cleaning up. Interesting though.


ACCOMPANYING THE DYING and Phosphenism [11/11/17 -link is gone. ]

Read the link above if you like. It is a website in honor of a  scientist who developed a modern system for attending to phosphenes.

my draft to rewrite:from 1/25/13 after Mother died.
For much of this lifetime, I have been allowing, but not naming, the ideas, perceptions of actual inner light, subtle and life energies that surround and run through a person. Actually, since childhood, I had accepted that I could read printed books in near darkness, when others could not. (My eyes, ears, skin, taste, smell seemed highly sensitive compared to others around me. ) I have all my outdoor childhood photos of me squinting into light as the photos were taken. I recall people telling me to keep my eyes from squinting.
In adult life, I did not want a computer with light streaming into my eyes, and did not have one for years, when others did. Using a computer screen at first seemed to cause my heart to race, then as I used a laptop more in recent 3 years, I can tell that my night-time eyesight dimmed somewhat.
As a simple and possible way to consider demonstrating that there is an actual inner vestige, of self-generated or stored, and active light in each person, to greater or lesser degrees, I like the concept and word Phosphenes
 "Phosphenes:The most common phosphenes are pressure phosphenes, caused by rubbing the closed eyes. They have been known since antiquity, and described by the Greeks."

In one recent, peaceful experience of encountering  death, and a dead body and one horrifying experience of a death and dead body, I have come to consider this:
I do not think that most people leave their body immediately or fully upon ceasing to breathe.
It may take days...and more. Ancients knew this and death as well as pre-burial traditions built up around this fact.
 This rushing people off to freezing cold storage tanks alone, away from loved ones is a ghastly and mean-spirited modern invention.
This year Nov 1, 2012, death happened to my mother, ahead of what I had intuited as her time. This is thanks to a series of the decisions and actions of her others daughters, I will name here as, daughter #2-Aprunella, daughter #3-Grizelda.  
It was appalling for me to witness this whole unfolding.
In brief, the close of this debacle, my own mother's life went as this:
I had seen her the night of October 31-November 1, 2012 until 2am. (I had rushed over for she was not answering her cell phone, which is unusual.) I stayed, and would have spent the night except for details I will not go into here. Aprunella stayed. She had her glass of wine to relax, sleeping pill also, I am sure, went into my mother's bedroom and shut the door. 
By 8am in the morning of November 1, 2012, Aprunella was phoning my spouse to announce a death. She would not call  my cell phone directly, I was told, in order to avoid hearing any of my possible emotion. "Pharmaceuticalized" Automaton anyone?
When I rushed to my mother's condo on November 1, she was gone. Aprunella was standing there, then sitting down and telling me that she wanted to move an intern from her soup kitchen into my mother's condominium! Within hours of my mother dying.
 I had to demand to see my mother. She had been put down as a stray animal, the night before, after all, by a hospice nurse (a stranger, administering 2 quickly successive i.v. doses of oxycodone that I questioned and did not halt quick enough) and her daughter, Aprunella who had administered to my mother, right after that, too much Tamazepam sublingually. The dose of a 30mg capsule dissolved and put into a syringe, which my mother had the firmness, and wits! to close her lips and REFUSE! Shaking her head subtly! Only to have the daughter, Aprunella, slip it in when I was not not looking, and proudly tell me of it afterward. Too much on a weakened state. Note that I had to demand of Aprunella, which dosage did you dissolve and put into syringe? For there was an Rx for 15 mg caps and one for 30 mg caps on the counter. She did not know, she said. I went and brought the two bottles to show her, and showed her the capsules. She said it was the 30 mg. This was not good, and I knew it! 
At certain points when mother needed the sleep, My mother had only been able to take the 15 mg of Temazapam! This was what she could handle. And she was seriously disciplined about this. I had spent nights with her and seen her ability to measure this out! And, she could NOT take it every night because of the groggy side affects, that she experienced. She would skip one or two nights. And take it again when she could not sleep naturally. She would put it by her bedside and only take it if necessary. If I was spending the night, I would hear her stirring, and I would go into make sure she was ok. I had seen her procedure.
Before the hospice nurse double-dosing of oxycodone, and the temazapam, just a little bit, say 1-2 hours, earlier than all this medication, my mother had been able to sit up! Move her own legs to the side of the bed and ask to go to the bathroom to move her very harmed bowels.(All her internal body had been viciously damaged and hemmoraging, harmed by a Dr prescribed drug- Pradaxa. She was still miraculously healing from this.) 
She wanted to move her bowels. Her abdomen was sorely distended. There was a port-a-potty right there,sitting in the living room , next to the hospital bed. And 3 adults to help her. A strong black haitian man, Aprunella, and myself. The other geniuses vetoed me, and told me my mother should not get up. Also, she was drowning in her fluids, that she was trying to cough up, as she sat up. The Phlegm was moving. They were stifling her cough as well. This made ZERO sense. Even if she and Aprunella had planned a death, this was NO WAY to go out peacefully. Which is quite important to the overall purpose of a person's life.
 I have nursed my mother all my life, even as recently as the Nursing home, when I helped administer suppositories, massaged her abdomen, and assisted her to the bedside port-a-potty etc to help her relieve herself. 
I should have stayed, at 2am November 1, 2012, and not left her for those hours. 
For the other daughter had taken to my mothers bedroom, and shut the door. Leaving my mother to the odd Hatian stranger. Who had been disappearing into the bathroom the whole time I was there. Or reading his tablet. I wonder if he recorded any of that night or my mother's death. I have a feeling this is being done by lovely Hospice people. I am not charmed AT ALL by the Hospice business.
 My mother's head was facing the exit door, in a hospital bed, in the condo living room. No one stated the vulgarity of this.
Now, others will criticize me for this. And blasé, peace out yogis, liberal and conservative intellectuals alike, and half-living zombies on pharmaceuticals, all groomed by the modern culture, will be numb about the whole thing...but, it is not a fully correct reaction to a very special event. 
The passing into death state is as holy as birth.
And the horror of seeing what I had thought of as my sister, and my mother's favorite child, kill her own mother. Left me stunned, frozen, in shock. Like never before.
I could not even know where to begin, after it happened.
And the actions, reactions, and behaviors of this creature, for I do not think she is fully human, afterward have confirmed that there are forces, not just plain old thoughts, that people accept into their bodies, and minds, and these become the person. The person then prefers to induce, and ignore suffering while also being death affirming. Especially if the person has a long history of drug and pharmaceutical use. Now these very same people can be publicly, in generally accepted and admired healing, helping, spiritual leadership fields! For these are the BEST covers of all for their works of stifling the light and life out of others!
EDIT 11/11/17- I Have come across Theoria Apophosis and his offerings of Natural Philosophy. 
I still have not read his book on magnetism. But the videos he offers are to be considered by myself...for he is telling some of the truth I have experienced in living. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Make a Fire By Toothbrush! – Daniel Vitalis

Fire By Toothbrush! – Daniel Vitalis
 fire making skill sets!
Actually met my hubby 20 years ago, and it was on my list before then! Time to get outdoors.

It is interesting to see this art come alive.
Also, the appreciation, and practices of sitting near and sleeping by healthful fires is re-ignited in the young people of this era.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Women Gurus In Kali Yuga?

Women Gurus In Kali Yuga?
A quote from an article gave pause: “Why would any woman even want to become a guru?!” “Why would anyone want to take on someone else’s karmas?” 

While it is not the gist of her piece it did apply to another train of reasoning and action in these times:

Won't take your karmas, will accept your time, your positive attention for myself and my cause, your adulation, and your money while preparing for my retirement though. These, I will say, are the result of your karmas anyway you know, so let me relieve you of them. Go to a doctor for your problems. Ah, the doctor is my business partner, as well as the lawyer, win-win-win. Are you cured yet?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bhagavan Das Speaks of His Breath Work Experience

A sweet series when you have time to listen:
  Bhagavan Das & Jesse Torgerson: 1 of 5 Rebirthing Breath Work

Bhagavan Das & Jesse Torgers
on: 2 of 5 Releasing Old Patterns

         Bhagavan Das & Jesse Torgerson: 3 of 5 Beyond Duality

(listen until the end of this part for his story! shiva=it's my father, like, taking a nap. shakti=while my mother gets the house together...)

           Bhagavan Das & Jesse Torgerson: 4 of 5 World Shift

  Bhagavan Das & Jesse Torgerson: 5 of 5 Love and Fearlessness