Thursday, November 23, 2023


(dont know if this video will still be up. But there is plenty of information on WBAN for those with eyes to see, ears to hear.)

Psinergy8 hours ago

"yawning and sneezing are common auto commands for smart dust when your biosignals are NOT aligning with your smart meter.

Were you reading the bible? oh, well we cannot have that.

Are you trying to communicate from the heart with your loved one in any emotional level - ?

happy, concise, hurried, worried or laughing -

if it does not match the algorithims, you cannot hear your loved one,

a tone might go off in your ear, you might get dizzy.

These are drop down menus in software written for the meta materials,

the Hitachi 3000 smart dust from the 90s and tested with N graph math repeatedly since the 70s.

You are in your housebox and if you have not changed up your furniture, your cleaning supplies,

where you keep your reflective or refractive indice structure surfaces - OR -

if you have not been in prayer, stayed exercising every day,

change up your blood stream at the drop of a hat by jogging in place or clapping your hands -

see how the humans around you will think you are nuts -

but the signal will re aggregate and you will have a moment to shift your physiology ...

this is pure hell and for those of you who laugh and think "oh not me"

that's bc they have not turned up your VOLTAGE yet ..

you're just not as viable as a routing path as this lady ..

and companies and machine learning do not take anything into account

except mechanics of your blood stream, heart rate and how fast they need your heart to beat

to push that data past the bootstrap of your bcu - your phone.

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