Sunday, February 9, 2025

SUN FEB 9, 2025 -Fat-IBC is subsequently a novel alternative technique that utilizes fat tissue as a communication channel

old data that I've been watching.  note to self re: WHITE COAT KRAFTWERKERS. 

MOTHER F'ers... As the general public notices "No one was so obese in the 1970's..."

Fat-Intrabody Communication (Fat-IBC)


The potential offered by intra-body communication (IBC) over the past few years has resulted in a spike of interest for the topic, specifically for medical applications. 
Fat-IBC is subsequently a novel alternative technique that utilizes fat tissue as a communication channel. This work aimed to identify such transmission medium and its performance in varying blood-vessel systems at 2.45 GHz, particularly in the context of IBC and medical applications. It incorporated three-dimensional (3D) electromagnetic simulations and laboratory investigations that implemented models of blood vessels of varying orientations, sizes, and positions. Such investigations were undertaken by using ex-vivo porcine tissues and three blood-vessel system configurations. These configurations represent extreme cases of real-life scenarios that sufficiently elucidated their principal influence on the transmission. The blood-vessel models consisted of ex-vivo muscle tissues and copper rods.

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