Friday, October 25, 2013

May Assist to Fall Asleep More Easily (Breathing Exercise)

This is a draft:
Have been away from this blog for about two months. End of August 2013-End of October 2013, actually, my personal computer went down, and I took it as sign to rest. Before that, after my Mother died on November 1, 2012, I had began a Wordpress. And posted here less.
The shock, devastation, and terrible ending brought on by the people around her left me stunned, horrified.
In light of seeing a way to nourish embers of beauty, truth, dignity, I began to work again with my intuitions, my seeing into truth and through the nonsense. To see through, or rather around, the vulgarities of all varieties of "piggies" as shown in "Animal Farm." I again focused on my essential oils. And planting any small garden that would have edible plant emitting fragrance. The spirit realm (if it exists) is said to appreciate, be able to sense, and be pleased by fine and good, natural fragrances! I had to create, express in my subtle fields, if there was any way to reach what might be left of her being, in the subtle realms around me, and around the greater atmosphere. When she was alive, she loved the nourishment I could provide and appreciated what my hands prepared for her. My home life, not of my doing, and my health were quite in a bad state in her last years. I could not offer my usual hospitality. So, through these methods of garden outdoors, and essential plant oil fragrances, walking in the rain, being outside, I was in physical, but the result of these were subtly there for her, and her friends, if she is with them in the ethers. ( for she loved to share.)
What a world of people around her, so many, who are medicated, brainwashed, and brainwashing others to beat all get out. And who believe they are correct in wanting to psychologize, baptize, and medicate others who do not agree with them.
Also, I tried to write some of what horror occurred, to clear, as well. I have not even touched the depths of truth. I am an artist though. Not a writer. And writing well for others to understand may not be a gift for me. I wish I had recored much of it in sound and visually! So as not to have to remember it. But still tell the truth! So, after meaning to write and order my life for years, in marriage to a less that fine person, who stole much from me. I began in the middle of a bloody mess. In this horrid richness, of the full spectrum of life, I must step into the more rarified stratums. Writing a blog is not it. Yet, it has been an exercise, that may lead to finer...
Have also been working with Wordpress a bit on my site:

The ancients understood and practiced subtleties in all aspects of health. From digestion, to personal inner terrain, to the subtleties the respiratory system. This respiratory is a fine system that is taken for granted in the run-about and hustle of the modern world. 
That we can even regulate our own breath and inner gases, to affect our own health, is spoken about among athletes, or adults who have been athletes, meditation and yoga practitioners.
The actual quality of air that enters a persons body daily, day after day, decade after decade, is rarely considered by most. It is taken for granted that our indoor filtered air is of good quality. 
I have seen in South Florida, that people will function for years and years indoors, in office buildings, in gyms, and homes where the air is devitalized, and often not very clean at all.
The health-conscious ones seem to get along fine, and by their 5th decade of life, they may have a few problems that have been simmering, and will emerge, or that just pop up. They, and their physicians almost never attribute these health situations or conditions, that may have built up over time, to the condition of their inner terrain. To the layers of life simmering inside and outside their skin. Nor do they even consider or attribute a problem to the one fuel they've consumed the most: AIR.

What is the inner terrain of the person by their 5th, 6th decade? Inner linings of lungs? Heavy indoor and outdoor exercisers, steady yoga practitioners, and the like do fair better in health matters. For even if living and working in in toxic, or less than optimal air quality, they move much untoward air components through their bodies quickly. Some less-than-beneficial components in the air have less time to settle into mucous membranes. And if any untoward, or less than life affirming air components do find their way in, the lymphatic system is being pumped more readily by all the exercise to move the unwelcome through the system. These are moved to avenues of exit to be excreted, through normal channels. Channels of excretion: digestion, eyes, ears, skin:sweat and skin respiration, breasts and so on.

But the large openings of nose and mouth, take in air as we function indoors, and sleep for however many hours.
More to come on this later as I revisit my old research and find the newer and finer indoor air quality regulators. And as I find places for myself that I might offer as suggestions to others. For getting outdoors in fresh-air, in areas where this will be beneficial.

An aspect to consider as one pays attention to refining the daily air quality inhaled: "Breath techniques." Breath releases and controls are one beautiful and under-utilized aspects to harmonize the overall health of the bodily systems.

The Buteyko Breath Methods can be helpful for some individuals and some situations. 
They are not agreed upon for all situations. As I understand sleep and the necessary internal gases though, I will be giving this a try once again.

Quote from video's author:"Problems with falling asleep quickly and insomnia are due to overexcited nerve cells caused by too low CO2 levels in the brain cells. Low CO2 is common in modern people as this YouTube video shows. The main cause of reduced CO2 levels in the brain and body cells is breathing excessive amount of air that causes problems with sleep."
Once I tried this, the only difference for me would be to not force the abdominal breathing. This emphasis is from my own experience sometimes more stress inducing. 

I am not a medical advisor. This is for my own experience.