Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Link to: We Owe Pursuit of Indefinite Life Extension to Our Ancestors

To know for sure your path is the lone spiritual, intellectual searcher? Even still, if lone mountain sitter, it helps to put your family, and heritage history into perspective. Some families will have one or two historians and lineage recallers. Value this one in your family if and when they appear! Your family, your heritage story is not to be found on TV!!!
Not through USA TV spin by Water Cronkite history, Diane Sawyer, Ann Curry, or Vanna White, nor even the pastor and his wife from your church who NEVER have you over for dinner! ( my mother chose these for her family story, an never ended up gelling it all.) THESE ARE NOT YOUR FAMILY!! NOT EVEN CHURCH FAMILY! AT THE END OF YOUR LIFE YOU WILL SEE. DO NOT WAIT TIL THEN. These TV and film, and media, and religious people all have their OWN story, YOU are more than likely not a large part of it. Their story is NO MORE valuable than your own personal!
Each family and individual owes to the self, the divine, and to ancestors, a path of quality health and life extension. Other cultures know this, but are also diminishing in this focus. (see book FUTURE SHOCK, it is not necessarily a natural process, and some of this loss of personhood, this loss or mixing-up of heritage stories, inherited strengths, are purposely being denigrated, being encouraged to be bred out of individuals, to make way for easier blending and world-views of those who have powers to decide.)
Some old, unhealthful ways ARE to be moved away from by an individual, or family of course! Individuals can move away from non-life affirming, and then move toward the life-affirming, as individuals acknowledge, and understands their own soul, or portion of divine that is encapsulated as individual(if you believe this paradigm.) The individual self that they have been charged with responsibility for.
Being cared for in youth and throughout life by ones who value us, and acknowledging the good, bad or not so glorious roots of ones whole story, help a person somehow discern who they are, who they are not, and how and where they belong in this world. Without this centering, healthy influence we see the spinning out of control in mental, emotional, physical health and therefore pharmaceutical Rx medicating that has happened to large swathes of person in all generations in present day USA.

I agree with some portions of this article below.
Perhaps, shall write or speak more later.
Actions speak louder, so this is the focus for now.

If there was beauty and shine over your own or your ancestral life, this too will guide you.

We Owe Pursuit of Indefinite Life Extension to Our Ancestors -

"We grab the baton, on the ground work that our ancestors put down for us, with their blood coursing through our veins. All survivors blood is ours blood. They had to die for us to be here. They had to give us all that they did and then die so that we may have what we have.

We don’t have what we have because it magically appeared here. We have it because they toiled and died for us to have it. We cannot pilfer it and waste the opportunity..."

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