Sunday, August 21, 2011

Alia Almoayed interviews Andreas on Vaccine-nation, World Talk Radio - YouTube

Alia Almoayed interviews Andreas on Vaccine-nation, World Talk Radio - YouTube
In this video,This man will not Shout at you, there is no loud music, no fancy editing.
Pay attention with your time. What is 50 minutes of your quiet time worth? $1000 -$10?
That is all that you will pay ,in time, to hear this un-caffeinated man.
AUTO-immune is really auto? SAVE your health.

Rh-negative women being injected? Why not just tell them the best blood-type men to create a child with?!!!!
IF they couple is in not inclined to find compatible blood type partner...
THEN and only then..let them pay for Rhogam toxic injection if they choose.

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