Sunday, June 23, 2013

Laparoscopic removal of gall bladder video- or less invasive methods?

Laparoscopic removal of gall bladder - YouTube
Take care, research and take care.
If you have the slightest low-grade, continuing, or chronically serious digestive problems, find out for yourself how to improve your digestion, without long-term medicines.
If you have gallbladder problems look for ways to clear this internal condition to prevent surgery.
There are plenty of persons, counselors, and even free information to understand, and apply before this unhealthful condition or pain worsens.
You may even find a physician, or an osteopath if you prefer, who will help guide you in natural ways.
Yes, people are known to live on, sometimes just fine for decades after surgery, without gallbladders.
Yet, often, I have seen that soon after gallbladder removal, certain smaller, then larger, "heart problems" will begin.
I remind you of this not as a medical doctor. I speak only from personal life. And from seeing people who have suffered and died. And from knowing other people who attended to inner health, kept a gallbladder, and improved their digestion and overall health without surgery.
There are now, pockets and networks of people with knowledge the world over that are quietly attending to REAL healthcare.
What a blessing. 

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