Saturday, January 23, 2016

Vagal Nerve Pathways, Contemplating Your Naval

"Protect against your navel getting cold
Few people realize that the navel is a vulnerable part on the body and that it is full of nerve endings under its very thin layer of skin. The navel, or belly button, is particularly sensitive to changes in temperature. "

This is interesting. The abdomen, and naval area is treated as a mechanical, chemical system.
There is a jump from basic digestion, to surgeries removing intestines: 
 In searching for proper discussion of nerves, circulation and anatomy of nerves around naval at all depths, little is shown clearly. As if intestines, nerves, fascia, are simply known about and need no extra attention beyond, basic digestion, defecation.
This page is an example of what comes up in googling naval info in summary: "below your belly button." I clicked to view and it  went straight to sexual info, and anus info. 

To review: Etheric Body, Nervous & Endocrine System

Part 3
The Etheric Body, Nervous & Endocrine Systems….. 3 of 3 |
Part 2
Part 1

1. The etheric vehicle itself...

2. The nervous system...

3. The endocrine system...

4. The blood stream. This is the carrier of the life principle and of the combined energies and forces of the three above systems. This will be an idea of some novelty to the orthodox. The relationship of the circulatory system of the blood to the nervous system has not been as yet adequately developed in modern medicine. Much, however, has been done to relate the glandular system to the blood.

Only when these four interrelated systems are viewed as one integrated whole and as the four aspects of one vital circulatory system will the truth emerge. Only as they are acknowledged to be the four major distributing agents of the combined rays of the individual man will the true nature of material phenomena be grasped. It might be added here that:

1. The etheric vehicle from the circulatory angle, is governed by the Moon, as it veils Vulcan.
2. The nervous system is ruled by Venus.
3. The endocrine system is governed by Saturn.
4. The blood stream is governed by Neptune.

These four systems are in reality the manifestation of the four aspects of matter in its lowest or purely physical expression. There are other aspects of expression of the fundamental substance, but these are the four of greatest importance.