Viewpoint of one person, Steve Beckow, telling of Vasanas:
What is a Vasana? – Part 1/2 « Golden Age of Gaia
"This survival of vasanas is why we hear of gurus, who may have had levels of enlightenment as high as seventh-chakra Brahmajnana (God Realization), also called kevalya nirvikalpa samadhi, who still have vasanas."
"Vasanas have been described by others as “sleeping volcanoes” (S.N. Goenka) and the muscular tension in the body associated with them as “character armoring” (Wilhelm Reich) and the “pain body” (Eckhart Tolle). Werner Erhard called them “records,” “rackets,” and “incompletions”; Eric Berne, “games”; Claude Steiner, “scripts” – most psychologists and growth leaders have some way of referring to them."
Good and Bad Vasanas
"Ramana Maharshi distinguishes between good and bad vasanas. Good vasanas, like tending to our parents’ needs, loving all people, being charitable, all of which promote the laws of nature, do not harm, but bad vasanas, which go against the laws of nature, do."