Friday, February 22, 2013

Descended Directly from Apes, naturally?

One authors writings on origins of human:
"The profound wisdom contained in the Vedas, Upanishads and Gita clearly prove that man was not primitive or barbarous, as he is made out to be by the evolutionists...The evolution of man seems to be at the psychic plane and not on the physical level as the scientists erroneously think. It will, therefore, be preposterous and unwise to hold that ancient people were primitive, uncivilised, barbarous or bestial." excerpt from this link: Origins of Man

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ahimsa, what practice in the first place?

This is the question.
Why practice ahimsa in the first place?
The way I have experienced it being presented, taught, practiced, it becomes simply another suppressive force. Another psychological control mechanism to keep society in order. 
More to say on this later...
Here a definition of sorts:
Ahimsa - Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Massage Therapy for Abdominal Scar Adhesions

Abdominal, and core, hands on therapy is valuable, and to be done only by someone the RECIPIENT perceives to be in correct "attunement" with themselves.
Interview the therapist offering the service, or treatment, If you find yourself uncomfortable in any way, aim to find another therapist.
Emotions may come up in this therapy, so be aware of this.
High quality, intuitive, intelligently done, abdominal massage is an extremely beneficial portion of overall body massage. It can also be done on its own, in a full session, if there is a specific scarring or other issue to attend to.
Massage Therapy for Scar Adhesions - Erik Dalton - YouTube

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

USA Yoga is new age?

I really did not know Krishna Das music is considered new age, as the introduction on this Grammy video indicates.
Just as I did not know that my yoga interests and practices since my early teens was considered new age until I met and eventually married a born again christian man from Mexico. He seemed to be an authority on new age, which I found puzzling, but let ride.

Kirtan First: Krishna Das at 55th Grammy Awards (Breaking News/Video)

Kirtan First: Krishna Das Invokes Narayana and Yardbirds at 55th Grammy Awards (Breaking News/Video)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Link to Essay on — Brahmanism, Buddhism, Hinduism

A fine link to keep as a reference and to read fully, when time permits.

"Brahmanism, Buddhism,
An Essay on their Origins and Interactions"
Lal Mani Joshi

Department of Religious Studies
Punjabi University, Patiala, India

Buddhist Publication Society
Kandy • Sri Lanka
The Wheel Publication No. 150/151

Wh150–1 — Brahmanism, Buddhism and Hinduism — Plain text