Saturday, September 29, 2012

NOW! in 2012 broadcast into the open air!

Open air concept...following are excerpts from the website:

Concept - Open Air - Philadelphia
Content from the website:
Open Air is an interactive art installation designed to transform Philadelphia’s historic Benjamin Franklin Parkway, between September 20 and October 14, 2012.
"Inspired by the city’s rich tradition of democracy and respect for free speech, Open Air is at once a visible voicemail system, a rant line, a public stage and an archive of recordings from Philadelphia’s past and present. The piece is the largest and brightest to date of Lozano-Hemmer’s searchlight installations. Despite its monumental size and its wide visibility, the project is not intended as a cathartic pre-programmed spectacle like a fireworks display or a son-et-lumière show. On the contrary, the piece is designed to attract personal participation that creates a sense of global connection, complicity and public agency.
Where to next?

Record your own message now.
Listen to and rate messages in the archive.
Get answers from the Frequently Asked Questions.
Read about the history of the project, the technology we use, our environmental commitment, or about the people and organizations that make this project possible.


In this project, twenty four powerful searchlights create unique, dynamic light formations in the sky which react to voice messages sent by participants using a free mobile app and this website. The public is invited to record and submit messages of up to 30 seconds in length — shout-outs, poems, songs, rants, dedications, proposals. As the messages playback in Philadelphia, the lights react in brightness and position to the frequency and amplitude of the voice recordings, which can be heard through the mobile app, the website and public speakers located at the Project Information Center at Eakins Oval (24th Street and the Parkway).

Priority is given to mobile app messages sent live from the Parkway during the show, but messages can also be sent through this website at any time. Messages submitted through the web are archived and played-back by the lights if other web visitors rate them highly. A personalized webpage is created automatically for every participant, featuring their message, comments, rating and images of the light designs that their voice created.

Depending on atmospheric conditions, Open Air will be seen up to 10 miles away from the Parkway each evening from 8 to 11 p.m. The Project Information Center at Eakins Oval will be equipped with app download, free mobile loan stations and seating areas for watching the lights and listening to the messages. There will also be an Information Outpost located at Sister Cities Park (18th Street and Logan Square)."

Friday, September 28, 2012

Δημήτριος Γαλανός-Demetrios Galanos 1760-1833

Oh what a life to know. 

Born in Athens, Greece in 1760, he spent 47 years in India, where he translated many Hindu sacred texts into Greek and compiled a Sankrit-English-Greek dictionary of over 9000 words. He died on May 3, 1833 in Varanasi, India. 
He was buried in the Catholic cemetery there, and his tombstone is inscribed with the epitaph, "ΕΙΣ ΜΝΗΜΗΝ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙOΥ ΓΑΛΑΝΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΑΘΗΝΑIOΥ" (in memory of Dimitrios Galanos the Athenian). Munshi Sital Singh (a "wise Brahman" who was a friend and teacher of Galanos) wrote these verses in Hindustani, which he affixed above the tomb: "Woe, a hundred times! Dimitrios Galanos departed from this world to the eternal monads. Woe me! Weeping and wailing have I said it. I am out of myself. Ah, he has gone away, the Plato of this century) (Schulz 1969, p.354).[1] 
Preceded by a short remembrance in Persian, the following Greek dirge was also added by Ananias, curate to the Patriarch of Sinai: "Demetrios Galanos, the Athenian from Greece, died in the Indies. He was a friend of the Muses and a man of learning. He shone brightly in fame and vocation. He left this wearisome life and departed for a life without affiction and eternal. Out of gratitude, his nephew Pandoleon erects this cenotaph for his eternal memory" (Schulz 1969, p. 355).[2]

A "Dimitrios Galanos" Chair for Hellenic Studies was established at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India in September 2000.[1]

Universal Monk from India - Swami Vivekananda

Documentary on India & Swami Vivekenanda

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Teeth from inside skull looking up

Every detail matters on ones life. Every single one.

Observe how the teeth are placed, where they are placed. No wonder people fear dentists.  It is deep and intelligent for people to be concerned about drills and needles so close to the brain and spinal cord. Preventative dentistry is best. But, if one has not been able to prevent harm to teeth, be very thoughtful for the care when attending to repair.

"The foramen magnum, or "great hole," is the hole in the bottom of the skull through which the spinal cord passes in order to connect to the brain by merging with the brain's lowermost portion, the medulla oblongata."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is your breath sweet enough to store forever? video here

Last Breath is an installation designed to store and circulate the breath of a person forever.
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Project "Last Breath"

Yes, let's give attention here to refining, the subtlest energies of ourselves.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Rubbing nails together stimulates nerve pathways! Hair and Nails Health

Well, this is an interesting little exercise to consider:
Rubbing nails!!!!!!!!!!! [Archive] - The Long Hair Community Discussion Boards

“Nerve endings below your fingernails are directly connected to your hair roots. By rubbing your nails against one another, you help to improve the blood circulation in your scalp, which in turn reduces grey hair.”
Other than rubbing your nails together, one hands nails against the other, here are two other 5 Minute Fix-Its that are equally effective in controlling premature graying:
• When you get up in the morning, rub the area of your forehead closest to your hairline. This helps in removing any blocks in circulation in your scalp. Rub lightly for a few minutes. That’s all it takes!
• Yoga Asana: Kapalbhati

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

See 2012 Woodstock Fruit Festival here- Plan for next year!

Woodstock Fruit Festival is an annual(so far) summer retreat in New York State, USA. 
It is a sweet time and place to cleanse and rejuvenate.
Some people do not fancy, or have difficulty chewing or digesting all those greens and vegetables.
There will be teachers and peers there who have lived through difficulties such as this, as well as many other modern life illnesses, and are finding active solutions to good health in present times. 
Each will tell their own personal story. Much better than simply reading it in a book! Living books!
Plan for next year! 
Also, each person interviewed, has a website listed under this Youtube video.
Generously compiled by:
The Healthy Engineer

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Moon Salutation - Hollywood California August 2012

 I do love our Southern California.
And the night...

Fresh Green Juices ~a trend that works well for health

Throughout ancient cultures until today, there is a great deal of spin to consider in reference to food, drink, and nourishment advice.
 It is good to consider who, what, when, where and why a paradigm or model of food consumption is being promoted, endorsed or vilified. Who is profiting at each level in the present and future.

On a simple note, where I can stand for now,
after years of living both with and without consuming fresh juices...
I can say that, freshly made juices, pressed from good quality vegetables, including green ones, do make for good natural "medicines" when one of our western culture, would like to cleanse a body and nourish a body.
Now, the Breatharians, such as Jasmuheen, will have another view on this, and that is another subject altogether.
If you are coming from an earth-based, foods based diet, such as we have in most western cultures,
regularly drinking good quality, fresh-made green juices, NOT pre-packaged, will do most bodies well.
Now I know that this supports the agri-businesses, if you are based in many domesticated places around our world now.
And that is ok, if you have no time or inclination to garden.
If you do have, even a small or large space to garden, and can make a bit of time to tend it, then, this will be even better for making fresh juices in your home at least 2-4 seasons a year, depending on your climate.
So, as long as you are away from exhaust fumes, in a city home, country estate, rooftop garden, shared condo garden, or community garden, it is good to consider a little hobby of growing what will make your own nice juices.

Some basic advice here by Brigitte Mars:
Green Foods for Super Health | Brigitte Mars | Herbal Medicine, Raw Food | Boulder, Colorado

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mantak Chia Six Healing Sounds- Overview

Nice, easy reminder video from Mantak Chia
Smile into each organ:

Include triple-burner at the end.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy, Fun Sound of "Call Me Maybe"

Yoga of sound and voice...

Love that as soon as rhythm begins everyone's head begins bobbing. What we are being told to call the 5th and 6th chakra, interesting at-tunement.
Watched it several times to see each person's participation with their instruments.
It is sweet when they all join in with chorus: "Before you came into my life I missed you so bad; )"
[edited Wednesday, 3/14/2018]

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Heart Dance by Gil Hedley

Somanaut, Gil Hedley, 
Encouraging life wisdom through his
 Heart Dance.

Ancient Vedic view ~video

Mind Force in Sympathetic Vibratory Physics & Kriya Yoga

SVPwiki : Mind Force
"There is a celestial mind force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of which everything is composed." Keely

For Consideration:
"The ancient yogic technique converts the breath into mind."
 From the Science of Kriya Yoga
by Paramahansa Yogananda

The Science of Kriya Yoga

The science of Kriya Yoga, became widely known in modern India through the instrumentality of Lahiri Mahasaya, The Sanskrit root of Kriya is kri, to do, to act and react; the same root is found in the word karma, the natural principle of cause and effect. Kriya Yoga is thus "union (yoga) with the Infinite through a certain action or rite." A yogi who faithfully follows its technique is gradually freed from karma or the universal chain of causation.

Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which the human blood is decarbonized and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this extra oxygen are transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers. 1 By stopping the accumulation of venous blood, the yogi is able to lessen or prevent the decay of tissues; the advanced yogi transmutes his cells into pure energy. Elijah, Jesus, Kabir and other prophets were past masters in the use of Kriya or a similar technique, by which they caused their bodies to dematerialize at will.

Kriya Yoga is referred to by Krishna, India's greatest prophet, in a stanza of the Bhagavad Gita: "Offering inhaling breath into the outgoing breath, and offering the outgoing breath into the inhaling breath, the yogi neutralizes both these breaths; he thus releases the life force from the heart and brings it under his control." 2 The interpretation is: "The yogi arrests decay in the body by an addition of life force, and arrests the mutations of growth in the body by apan (eliminating current). Thus neutralizing decay and growth, by quieting the heart, the yogi learns life control."

The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment.

One thousand Kriya practiced in eight hours gives the yogi, in one day, the equivalent of one thousand years of natural evolution: 365,000 years of evolution in one year. In three years, a Kriya Yogi can thus accomplish by intelligent self-effort the same result which nature brings to pass in a million years. TheKriya short cut, of course, can be taken only by deeply developed yogis. With the guidance of a guru, such yogis have carefully prepared their bodies and brains to receive the power created by intensive practice.

The Kriya beginner employs his yogic exercise only fourteen to twenty-eight times, twice daily. A number of yogis achieve emancipation in six or twelve or twenty-four or forty-eight years. A yogi who dies before achieving full realization carries with him the good karma of his past Kriya effort; in his new life he is harmoniously propelled toward his Infinite Goal.

The body of the average man is like a fifty-watt lamp, which cannot accommodate the billion watts of power roused by an excessive practice of Kriya. Through gradual and regular increase of the simple and "foolproof" methods of Kriya, man's body becomes astrally transformed day by day, and is finally fitted to express the infinite potentials of cosmic energy the first materially active expression of Spirit.

Kriya Yoga has nothing in common with the unscientific breathing exercises taught by a number of misguided zealots. Their attempts to forcibly hold breath in the lungs is not only unnatural but decidedly unpleasant. Kriya, on the other hand, is accompanied from the very beginning by an accession of peace, and by soothing sensations of regenerative effect in the spine.

The ancient yogic technique converts the breath into mind. By spiritual advancement, one is able to cognize the breath as an act of mind a dream-breath.

Introspection, or "sitting in the silence," is an unscientific way of trying to force apart the mind and senses, tied together by the life force. The contemplative mind, attempting its return to divinity, is constantly dragged back toward the senses by the life currents. Kriya, controlling the mind directly through the life force, is the easiest, most effective, and most scientific avenue of approach to the Infinite. In contrast to the slow, uncertain "bullock cart" theological path to God, Kriya may justly be called the "airplane" route.
The life of an advanced Kriya Yogi is influenced, not by effects of past actions, but solely by directions from the soul. The devotee thus avoids the slow, evolutionary monitors of egoistic actions, good and bad, of common life, cumbrous and snail-like to the eagle hearts.

Kriya Yoga is the real "fire rite" often extolled in the Bhagavad Gita. The purifying fires of yoga bring eternal illumination, and thus differ much from outward and little-effective religious fire ceremonies, where perception of truth is oft burnt, to solemn chanted accompaniment, along with the incense!
The advanced yogi, withholding all his mind, will, and feeling from false identification with bodily desires, uniting his mind with superconscious forces in the spinal shrines, thus lives in this world as God hath planned, not impelled by impulses from the past nor by new witlessnesses of fresh human motivations. Such a yogi receives fulfillment of his Supreme Desire, safe in the final haven of inexhaustibly blissful Spirit.

Basic Principles Of SVP Sympathetic Vibratory Physics ~ video

Would like to visit the Pond Science institute in Colorado!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Space industry continues to grow around world

          The Space Industry on Isle of Man ~  Old news from 2010 c.e./ a.d.

Little to no time for fussing and fighting my friend, as the old song goes.

        I am considering the day-to-day earth-world as we are living now. Amazing and quiet experiments have gone on, with earth-people, earth creatures participating, and never knowing it. Since forever, throughout all time, as far as I can tell from ancient history, and modern, the thinkers have never left out the heavens or space as we know it, in their calculations. In our times, and for a long time, experiments are pondered and then embedded in world cultures to set earth life on auto-pilot and to advance space life and space lifestyles.  

This is not a topic of conversation in my recent circles of neighbors or acquaintances. I stopped mentioning it as a point of conversation, for here on the east coast mainstream are appalled to consider such details. In general, most are not interested in the hugely varied aspects of the changes, that have been underway for many years now, concerning space and heavenly bodies. Most of us are happily, busy grabbing up, accumulating, and counting piles, pieces, people and points of the earth pie. Quite a nice life for some of us really. To be earthbound is not for everyone though.

There are simultaneous uses of and purposes for earth lifeforms that are showing themselves, if one has the eyes to see. 

Untethered-to-earth ways, preparing humans for space life, have simply been woven into Earth-life. There are the foods, I call space foods. There is child-bearing without use of gravity, embryos grown outside of human wombs, baby-formulas, all in place of any attachment to mother. Even the word 'formula' equates the infant nourishment concoctions with chemistry and no one questions it. Sterile, fractionated, unearthly ways are now expected and quite acceptable. 

This has been ongoing for quite a long time.

My maternal Grandfather spoke of the moon & space paradigm. I do not know what parts he knew of, but he did speak of it all in the 1940's to my mother. (I wish I had his reams and boxes of notes. ) Much development, science, commerce, and law has gone on for many years, through the actions of human-kind's hands and mind. People creating, and re-creating life and lifeforms in space. So much already in place at the macro and the micro level. 
This is an ongoing multiple symphony of human engagement. 

Is there a Space news weekly out now? I will have to fill myself in on an enriched overview of the diplomacy and politics of this bigger picture, as each culture, county, counsel attends to their interests. Small and large, private and public bands of humans engaged in, yet, rarely acknowledging let alone speaking of space-life. Space-life is, and has been, for a long time, experimentally alive in every aspect of earth life.
Foundations, Councils, Institutes, Religions all with Private and quiet Funding running along, parallel and interwoven with all aspects of earth life.
 Lawyers specializing in Space Law, and even more importantly, wisdom imbued individuals are being watched for, and will be sought for many years to come.
Scusi' my lawyer/ judge friends, my religious leader friends, could space lawyering and religion be somehow more lovely than earth-lawyering? More like the quietly held councils for those who would never dare enter a USA courtroom. Will the earth animals have a new holy book to swear fealty upon? This has all been worked out?  Is it still being fashioned.
 Will people as we know ourselves somehow grow out of the need for this model? Of an outer judge discern what is correct? Too many types of human creatures perhaps. Panopticon framework already in place. Which countries are best experiments by now? Huge experiments of religions as operating systems, to watch how all the animals will operate under various mental, emotional, physical sways. Will earth beings simply be left to their prison planet farms, and little pockets of seeming-edens, all with the interactive matrix as babysitter?

Here is a link for future reference and for the friends interested:
International Space University has an upcoming Symposium in 2013:
17th ISU Annual International Symposium ISU Central Campus, Strasbourg 5th – 7th March 2013 SPACE TECHNOLOGY AND TELE-REACH: BENEFITTING HUMANITY ON EARTH AND BEYOND
The International Space University: Specializes in providing graduate-level training to the future leaders of the emerging global space community at its Central Campus in Strasbourg, France, and at locations around the world. 
Since its founding in 1987, ISU has graduated more than 3300 students from over 100 countries. Together with hundreds of ISU faculty and lecturers from around the world, ISU alumni comprise an extremely effective network of space professionals and leaders that actively facilitates individual career growth, professional activities and international space cooperation.

  And for fun: Parrot AR.Drone 2.0, shot on location at the AIR & SPACE MUSEUM of Paris - Le Bourget Airport, France with their kind authorization:

Little to no time for fussing and fighting my friends, as the old song goes.
 We living ones have been prepared and preparing a long time for this.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Vagus Nerve! Sing-A-Long with lyrics!

From Jim Deuchars, a neuroscientist from the University of Leeds in the UK. This song was included in a lecture on "The Wonders of the Wanderer" about the vagus nerve. (The lyrics were devised with Michelle Pierce, a postgraduate student at the time.)

"This version was recorded 2011 with 1st year students in the University of Leeds Neuroscience, Physiology, Pharmacology and Medical Science degree programmes."

Monday, September 3, 2012

3 Minute Power Breath

Good Morning.
Simple breath exercise to try for yourself.
love, dd